Monday, February 18, 2013

Things Happen For a Reason :)

Have you ever experienced that you want something very very much and you think if it will be given to you it will complete everything in your life?

Well I just felt the same way now. 

I had had received many blessings from God for which i am forever grateful for, for my family, my friends, for the knowledge of His love,  and especially for giving me such a very loving husband. 

I think everything in my life is perfect, except for one thing. I had long to be a mother, I really do. my husband and i had been married for about three years now, and every month we keep praying and waiting, to be given a very precious opportunity to welcome a baby in our home. He/she just never arrived.

Sometimes i feel so lonely and discourage Almost all of the people i know who were married recently had been pregnant already. I feel happy for them but i would be lying if ill say that I'm not sad for myself.

I remember at one instance when i think i was one week delayed and i cant wait to do a pregnancy test, During that time i never told my husband that i bought a pregnancy test kit , because i know he too would feel so sad it if turns out to be negative.

So i did the test and as usual it turns out to be negative, I felt so foolish and lonely and discouraged.What added more to my feelings was when i learned that my sister in law who is only one month bride is pregnant, she did the same test the day i did, but hers is positive.

Deep inside me was a very mixed emotion, i was so happy for her really, but i was so discouraged as well. I cant help but cry, my husband noticed it and tries his best to comfort me. That was the last time i cried like a child after a very very long time.

My greatest source strength and comfort comes from knowing that my Heavenly Father loves me, and that He knows me, every desire of my heart, and that  He is Anxious to bless me.  Knowing that He knows  whats best for me gives me power to overcome sadness. 

I am still hoping to be given an opportunity to experience what it is like to be a mother and to raise such precious soul, if not of my own maybe of others.

I know Heavenly Father Loves me, there may be things He sees that i cannot see, but i am praying to have the UNDERSTANDING needed to not complain and to JUST TRUST Him. 

Maybe He is still Preparing me for some calling he has in-store for me. What ever it is i will gladly receive when it comes.

For those of you out there who is experiencing the same thing, I feel for you. Just never lost hope. If you feel so lonely- try to go out and serve others, i do that too,and it really works, it helps me direct my attention to other things and other people. It helps me increase love for others and gain a better perspective of life and things.


I just found this video, And i thought it's nice to put it in here ;

It's about accepting God's will for us, for He knows what's best for us. Some of Tribulation comes as a chastisement from a loving Heavenly Father for our wrong actions, Some of them are just simply there to cut us down, to help us become stronger the way God wants us to be.  We just have to understand that all things happens for certain reasons which reasons are known to Him. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Pushing Against the Rock

Author Unknown

There was a man who was asleep one night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light and the Savior appeared. The Lord told the man He had a work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. 

The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might. This the man did, day after day. For many years he toiled from sun up to sun down, his shoulders set squarely against the cold, massive surface of the unmoving rock pushing with all his might.

Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain. Seeing that the man was showing signs of discouragement, Satan decided to enter the picture placing thoughts into the man's mind such as; "You have been pushing against that rock for a long time and it hasn't budged. Why kill yourself over this? You are never going to move it? etc." Thus giving the man the impression that the task was impossible and that he was a failure.

These thoughts discouraged and disheartened the man even more. "Why kill myself over this?" he thought. I'll just put in my time, giving just the minimum of effort and that will be good enough." And that he planned to do until one day he decided to make it a matter of prayer and take his troubled thoughts to the Lord.

"Lord," he said, "I have labored long and hard in your service, putting all my strength to do that which you have asked. Yet, after all this time, I have not even budged that rock a half a millimeter. What is wrong? Why am I failing?"

To this the Lord responded compassionately, "My friend, when long ago I asked you to serve me and you accepted, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all your strength, which you have done. Never once did I mentioned to you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to push. And now you come to me, your strength spent, thinking that you have failed. But, is that really so? Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscled, your back brown, your hands are callused from constant pressure, and your legs have become massive and hard.

Through opposition you have grown much and your abilities now surpass that which you used to have. Yet you haven't moved the rock.

But your calling was to be obedient, to push and to exercise your faith and trust in my wisdom, this you have done. I, my friend, I will now move the rock."

I think all the challenges that we experienced and yet to experience is for our own good, they are there to stretched us, and to help us be a stronger individual. God doesn't asked us to do something so that we will suffer, He has no intention of doing that,  He asked us to do certain things because He knows that if we follow it will be for our good. 

He is always there to help us accomplish the task, He has even prepare a way for us to accomplish it.  He was just a prayer away, We have to trust Him and understand that he is in control of all things and just Trust His Wisdom. Because He does nothing but for the good of all his Children, and remember You are His child. 

Happiness Comes When We Put Our Own Wants Over The Needs Of Others.

Buying vintage items such as clothing and bag is one of my favorite thing to do, not only because it is so fun to see different fashions from vintage materials from different countries but because they are of great quality and inexpensive.

One particular day i planned to go check the nearest ukay ukay store ( the store that sells vintage items) in our area after attending the livelihood training service and buy some stuff for myself. It has been quite a while since the last time i visited an ukay ukay store.

So After the training i rushed myself from the crowd so that i could accomplish my purpose, however on my way out of the building i felt i must talk to a friend of mine who has also attended the same training i had. 

We had a small conversation and i learned what sacrifices she and her daughter made in order to attend the training, they expressed their desire to attend the next days training but aren't sure if they could come again due to their financial concerns. My heart was filled with compassion towards them.

But in my mind i was reasoning to myself that i must go to the ukay ukay store because that's what i planned for and i will be very happy if ill go there, rationalizing to myself that there's nothing i could do to help them in their  problem.

I ignore my feelings of sympathy and decided to go to the store. One my way i felt so terrible, how selfish i would be if i turn my backs over the needy.

I ran back to the building, finding myself following my heart and giving my money to them so that they can come the next day. I had never been happier. I leaned that true happiness comes from when we are unselfish and is constantly thinking of other peoples needs over our wants.


Trapped in an Endless to do list?

Have you ever experience finding yourself so overwhelmed because your TO-DO list seems endless? And you only have a very Little amount of time to accomplish the task? 

There are many aspects of our lives that requires our constant attentions and effort like businesses, works, studies, hobbies, commitments,recreation and  Family. 

It is very easy to get caught up with the busyness of things and If you are not careful of how you use your time you may end up spending more time on the things that matters less, and less time in the things that matters most.

It may be the perfect time to review your Priorities and decide what's important and what is not.

Focus or make a high priority on the things that would give you real happiness. When you get things according to your priorities all things will fall to it's place.You will even find more time to do the things you need to do.

In that way you don't have to regret missing the precious moments. 

Do things today- and not regret one day

The details of your life and my life may differ, We may be born on a different year, different places, or under a different circumstances, But I know all of us grew up in a place called home.

It could be you grew up with your adoptive parents, or a grandparents, your relatives, or with your own parents and siblings, or you may be living with the family you are making now, or you may be dreaming what kind of family you hope to have someday, Each of us holds some precious memories of our home and families.

For me when I think of home I cant resist thinking of my mom's cooking, the song she used to sing to us, and her words of advice, and her gentle care. I am also reminded how delicious my father's freshly cached fish are.

And of course who will ever forget my siblings noise. I would always love to treasure the time when we as a family gathered together during evening, watched the stars, share our experiences at school and so many more activities that we used to do together, And you know what, now that I'm living far away from them, I missed them, I wished I had been a better daughter to my parents and better sister to my siblings than I was.

What about you? If your living away, What's your last memory of Home? What are their last memories of you? 

If you are still living with your parents, What are the things you are doing now to create a better home and a better relationship with your family and loved ones?

Think of your relationship with those you love, is it good enough or is there something that you may need to change and improve? if your answer is YES, Now is the right time to do better and be better, do not procrastinate the things that really matters most in life.

Here are some of the things that i though might be helpful as you strive to improve your relationship with your loved ones:

1.) Never Assume - One of the common mistake most of us are guilty is that too often we assume that our loved ones already knew that we love them. We must never assume, Ask yourself, when was that last time you give you parents, sister, daughter and people that are special to you a hug? If that was over a year a ago now is the perfect time to do it. Always express and show your love to them while the sun still shines or else you may fill your days with regrets for not expressing what you really feel about them.

 2.)Do not take our loved ones for granted - We live in a very busy world when lots of things requires our time and attention, too often we are so caught up with the business of the world that we often fail to take time to pause, to take time to listen, to spend time with our love ones. A simple tap at their backs will do, or a simple words of encouragement would make great a difference. Never let a day pass by without doing something that would let them know they are important to you.


3.) Live today as if it is your last day. It means to make the most of today without any reservation to love and to live. Life is special, savor it now.As you do this things you will become much aware of your loved ones feelings, your appreciation for them will grow and relationship with them will improve and therefore you can conclude that you are really living your life to the fullest, and you will be a lot happier than ever.



I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being. ~Hafiz

The saddest thing that can happen to a person is living his/her life not knowing or realizing his/her true worth and value.

Too many people today go about their lives thinking they worth less or nothing,when in reality, they are the most beautiful and elegant masterpiece made from the hands of the Great Architect of the universe.

 The World’s way of measuring people’s worth has brought so much confusion in every people’s mind as to things pertaining to his real identity and value.

They see it in terms of a person’s social status, achievements, wealth, power, intellectual capacity and even based on their physical appearance. When one meets all the criteria then he/she is considered as a man/woman of great value and worth. 
However when one is proven to be less than what the world’s measuring cup requires he/she will then be treated as a person of lesser value. Because of this, most of us have felt at one time or another that we don’t quite fit in, sad or inadequate

Sadly this way of measuring a person’s value is very rampant in our society today. If we will open our eyes you’ll see that it’s almost everywhere now.  Sometimes they happen in the classroom, in the workplace or even in our very homes.

You should not let the worlds scale of measurement to make you believe that you worth nothing or less than what you really are.

This reminds me of a story written by a Danish poet Hans Christian Andersen .                      
“The Ugly Duckling”

There was once a mother duck who is waiting for her eggs to hatch. She waited patiently until the final egg hatched; she was surprised to see a very Large and ugly duckling which came out of the last egg. He looks very different from the other. Because of his unusual appearance the other ducklings were unkind to him and excluded him. Heartbroken and frustrated, the ugly duckling leaves to find a place in the world where he’ll be accepted.

While On his journey he saw a group of majestic bird flying above him, He looked at them with awe. He wishes He could be as beautiful as they are. He takes flight and follows them to a beautiful lake. In the water He saw a reflection of a magnificent swan; soon he realized that the reflection was his very own.

In the story “The ugly Duckling” In the story “The ugly Duckling” what has taken place in the life of the young swan? 

Did his situation change?  No!  He is still the same duckling the others used to call ugly. But what has changed is his perspective of himself. All his life He was led to believe he is UGLY.  But now, He finally knows his real identity and worth. He is a Beautiful swan and it’s what he really is and not an ugly duckling.

Some of you may be like the young swan; misinformed about your true worth.  I urge you to look into the water and see your true reflection. The knowledge of your true worth and value will help sustain you through the most challenging and difficult situation you may be facing.

So when self doubt arise. Remember how beautiful and special you are, regardless of how the world sees you.  Because God the great architect of the universe is the one who made you and He made no mistake. He loves you and cares deeply about you. You were not here by accident; your life has a purpose. Within you is implanted great goodness, Use it well. It will give you happiness as well as in the lives of others around you.

Make your life worthwhile. Recognize your strength and strive to overcome your weaknesses. As you do so your true value will become more visible to you. Have a better Perspective of yourself, Have a better life.

Make your presence felt.

Sometimes you may feel that you are just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less without that missing drop.

So no matter how less or insignificant your contribution may seems, the little things you do can make a difference in the world that desperately needs it.
The story of the starfish by Loren Eiseley has never fails to remind me that every single act of kindness matters.

 Upon picking up the starfish one by one and throwing them back in the ocean a young man was asked by his curious observer, what he was doing.
“I’m saving them” He answered

 His observer replied, “But there must be tens of thousands of starfish on this beach. I’m afraid you won’t really be able to make much of a difference.”
The young man bent down, picked up yet another starfish and threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he turned, smiled and said, “It made a difference to that one!”

Almost every day we hear reports of abuse and other sad and painful stories that are happening around us.  This world has received enough pain, heartaches and sorrows, as a result of pride, selfishness, anger, and inequality caused by others and even ourselves; let’s not add to its heartache anymore, instead seek to be a part of the solutions.

Making this world a better place for everyone is not an easy task, but if you will show a little more love and concern for others you are certainly making a difference.

Sometimes it is the small acts of kindness that we do each day that can truly make a difference on the life on others, let us not be afraid to care a little more, there are hands that hang downs, eyes that are wet, and hearts that are broken, let’s not leave them unaided. We cannot afford to see them suffer without doing anything to help.

We can make our presence felt by losing ourselves in service to others. It need not the grandest act but should be done with sincerity.
It can be tiring and inconvenient sometimes, but as you strive to care for others your capacity to love and appreciate life will increase, and your heart will be filled with joy.

I believe that one of the purposes why we are here is to make a difference- let us fulfill that purpose.