Sunday, February 17, 2013


I wish I could show you, When you are lonely or in darkness, The astonishing light of your own being. ~Hafiz

The saddest thing that can happen to a person is living his/her life not knowing or realizing his/her true worth and value.

Too many people today go about their lives thinking they worth less or nothing,when in reality, they are the most beautiful and elegant masterpiece made from the hands of the Great Architect of the universe.

 The World’s way of measuring people’s worth has brought so much confusion in every people’s mind as to things pertaining to his real identity and value.

They see it in terms of a person’s social status, achievements, wealth, power, intellectual capacity and even based on their physical appearance. When one meets all the criteria then he/she is considered as a man/woman of great value and worth. 
However when one is proven to be less than what the world’s measuring cup requires he/she will then be treated as a person of lesser value. Because of this, most of us have felt at one time or another that we don’t quite fit in, sad or inadequate

Sadly this way of measuring a person’s value is very rampant in our society today. If we will open our eyes you’ll see that it’s almost everywhere now.  Sometimes they happen in the classroom, in the workplace or even in our very homes.

You should not let the worlds scale of measurement to make you believe that you worth nothing or less than what you really are.

This reminds me of a story written by a Danish poet Hans Christian Andersen .                      
“The Ugly Duckling”

There was once a mother duck who is waiting for her eggs to hatch. She waited patiently until the final egg hatched; she was surprised to see a very Large and ugly duckling which came out of the last egg. He looks very different from the other. Because of his unusual appearance the other ducklings were unkind to him and excluded him. Heartbroken and frustrated, the ugly duckling leaves to find a place in the world where he’ll be accepted.

While On his journey he saw a group of majestic bird flying above him, He looked at them with awe. He wishes He could be as beautiful as they are. He takes flight and follows them to a beautiful lake. In the water He saw a reflection of a magnificent swan; soon he realized that the reflection was his very own.

In the story “The ugly Duckling” In the story “The ugly Duckling” what has taken place in the life of the young swan? 

Did his situation change?  No!  He is still the same duckling the others used to call ugly. But what has changed is his perspective of himself. All his life He was led to believe he is UGLY.  But now, He finally knows his real identity and worth. He is a Beautiful swan and it’s what he really is and not an ugly duckling.

Some of you may be like the young swan; misinformed about your true worth.  I urge you to look into the water and see your true reflection. The knowledge of your true worth and value will help sustain you through the most challenging and difficult situation you may be facing.

So when self doubt arise. Remember how beautiful and special you are, regardless of how the world sees you.  Because God the great architect of the universe is the one who made you and He made no mistake. He loves you and cares deeply about you. You were not here by accident; your life has a purpose. Within you is implanted great goodness, Use it well. It will give you happiness as well as in the lives of others around you.

Make your life worthwhile. Recognize your strength and strive to overcome your weaknesses. As you do so your true value will become more visible to you. Have a better Perspective of yourself, Have a better life.

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